We partner with Okanogan Conservation District to help you with your energy efficiency projects.
Contact Jordana Ellis, Irrigation Planner, at the Okanogan Conservation District at 509-429-3468, or visit: .
Follow this link to find resources like Firewise, plant and wildlife resources and a vendor list from the surrounding area: https://www.okanogancd.org/wildfire.
You can also contact Kim Johnson at Okanogan PUD's Energy Services for more details at . kimj@okpud.org
Freeze-resistant Stock Tanks
Receive a $165 rebate when you buy a qualifying freeze-resistant stock water tank or fountain. The stock tank or fountain MUST be new, enclosed fully in foam or dead air space, have a completely sealed opening, possess elliptical or flap closures that tip easily so animals can drink without resistance, contain no electric heat, and possess a minimum one-year manufacturer defect warranty. You will need:
- Invoice with date, cost, manufacturer, size and model number.
- Warranty information.
- Photo of installed product.
Contact the Conservation District at for details and questions. You can also check out our 509-429-3468video about stock tanks on YouTube!