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Energy Assistance Programs

Okanogan County PUD, working in conjunction with other agencies, offers the following Customer Support Programs (downloadable document). 


 Washington Families Clean Energy Credits Program $200 One-Time Credit 

An electric residential customer may qualify for a one-time $200 electric utility bill credit from the Washington Families Clean Energy Credit program, if it meets household income criteria. ROUND ONE is open now for electric residential customers, who receive electricity from Public Utility District No. 1 of Okanogan County and have a household income equal to or less than  80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).  Starting August 1, 2024, ROUND TWO opens to everyone whose household income is equal to or less than 150% of AMI.  Forms must be received by September 5, 2024, and are subject to funding availability. 

To see if you qualify for a one-time energy bill credit, click on the forms below.

$200 One-Time Electric Bill Credit Form (English)

$200 One-Time Electric Bill Credit Form (Spanish)


 Project Help

Project Help is a program funded through donations from Okanogan County PUD customers.  These donations are used to help other Okanogan County PUD customers pay deposits and energy bills.

Customers seeking Project Help assistance must meet the following criteria: experiencing a sudden serious illness or death, major hospitalization or an unexpected reduction of income; income must not exceed 80% of the Area Median Income. Priority is given to customers who are in urgent need of assistance, and those who are 65 years or older. Project Help funds are only given to those who meet the income guidelines and are ineligible for other federal government and emergency assistance. Okanogan Community Action Council (see below) administers this program.

Project Help Resolution



Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federal program that assists low-income customers in paying their heating bills and may even have grants for heating system repair costs. Whether you heat with oil, wood, pellets, propane, or electric heat, you may qualify for aid.  This program runs typically from November through May, or as funds remain available. Program administered by Colville Confederated Tribes and Okanogan Community Action Council (see below).


 Okanogan Community Action Council

Okanogan County Community Action Council (OCCAC) is "leading a revolt on poverty through education, empowerment, and engagement." To learn more about OCCAC, visit their website, Okanogan Community Action Council, or call at 509-422-4041 or  877-641-0101 for more information. Open Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • LIHEAP Energy Assistance Program
  • Catholic Charities Program
  • Project Help (see above)
  • Veteran's Relief Fund


 Colville Confederated Tribes

Administers LIHEAP and senior heating energy assistance program for Colville Tribal members.

509-634-2769 or 1-888-881-7684


 Yakima Nation

LIHEAP for Yakima Nation enrolled Tribal members. 509-865-5121


 Salvation Army

  • Brewster Area - Brewster Record Clerk at Police Dept: Juana 509-689-2331
  • Tonasket Area - Free Methodist Church: Ext. #2 for Stephanie, 509-486-2194 (Tonasket area $75 Limit)
  • Twisp Area - Room One: 509-997-2050


The Cove

(509) 997-0227  Glenn Schmekel (Twisp Area)


 American Legion

Family Support Network 1-800-504-4098


 Washington Council of the Blind

Only for individuals who are legally blind. 1-800-255-1147 or