Power Sources
We receive our electric power from three primary sources: Bonneville Power Administration, Wells Dam, and Energy Northwest. You can read about our power sources by visiting the links below, as well as reading about other topics related to our power sources.
- BPA (Bonneville Power Administration)
BPA (Bonneville Power Administration)
Created in 1937 by Congress and The Roosevelt Administration, The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is a federal, U.S. Department of Energy agency that markets wholesale electrical power and transmission services in the Pacific Northwest. While it is a federal agency, BPA is not tax-supported through government appropriations. BPA recovers all of its costs through their electricity and transmission sales. Sources of this power include 30 federal hydro projects, one non-federal nuclear plant and other non-federal power plants. This system is referred to as The Federal Columbia River Power System. Almost half of the power used in the Northwest comes from BPA. We receive approximately two-thirds of our power supply from BPA.
- Wells Dam
Wells Dam
The Wells Hydroelectric Project is operated by Douglas County PUD. We receive 8% of our power through a long-term power purchasing agreement. Wells began its first commercial generation in August 1967, under a 50-year license that was issued in 1963.
Other utilities receiving power from Wells Dam in addition to Douglas and Okanogan County PUD include Puget Sound Energy, Portland General Electric Company, PacifiCorp, and Avista.
Because power generated from Wells Dam is reliant on water conditions, this is a variable source of energy. In a typical year, we receive up to 65 megawatts of power from Wells Dam. As we experienced in 2001, drought conditions can jeopardize the production from this power source. For this reason, your PUD is always looking for alternatives such as wind-powered generation and enhanced BPA contracts to ensure an uninterrupted supply of power to our customers.
- Energy Northwest
Energy Northwest
Energy Northwest has a membership of 28 utilities. The board of directors is made up of 28 representatives, one for each of its members. The Nine Canyon Wind Project was developed and is owned and operated by Energy Northwest to provide a renewable energy resource to participating public utilities. It is capable of generating up to 95.9 megawatts and is the largest publicly owned wind project in the country. It provides, on average, enough electric power to supply over 10,000 households. Nine Canyon consists of 63 turbines. 49 of the turbines rated at 1.3 megawatts and 14 rated at 2.3 megawatts. The Nine Canyon site is approximately 8 miles southeast of Kennewick and covers 75 acres.
Okanogan County PUD approved Energy Northwest's undertaking of the Nine Canyon Wind farm in January 2001. We are one of the largest participants in this project, with a 16.6% share of energy output.
- Potential Surplus Electric Energy For Sale
Power Sales
Public Utility District #1 of Okanogan County may, from time to time, have surplus electric energy to sell. Available quantities and prices of surplus energy will vary. We will make such surplus electric energy sales under terms consistent with the Bonneville Power Administration's Policy on Determining Net Requirements of Pacific Northwest Utility Customers under Sections 5(b)(1) and 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act. Information regarding the PUD's available surplus electric energy will be made available from time to time on this web page, and will specify quantity, price and other relevant terms and conditions for each offer at the time that such offer is made. In addition, qualified regional buyers that provide an appropriate contact name, e-mail address and phone number may also receive direct emails regarding such offers. If anyone in your company is interested in receiving such notifications by email, please have that person or persons send an email request to the email address below. Bids in response to a specific offer will be accepted on the day and time that such offer expires as noted below and must be submitted in writing via email to email address below, or by facsimile to 509-422-4020. If no qualified regional entity accepts an offer made in this manner, as provided in the policy, the surplus electric energy may then be made available for sale to out-of-region entities. Telephone inquiries related to specific offers or questions regarding the offer or acceptance procedures may be directed to Ron Gadeberg at 509-422-8488 or via e-mail to the email address below.
Email Address for all emails regarding Surplus Energy Sales-