Are you a do-it-yourselfer? Don’t forget the electrical permit!
A message from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission, about 18,200 home fires are caused by electrical wiring each year, resulting in about 120 deaths, 520 injuries, and $450 million in property damage.
Command: Stop Picture Word Wrap
Protect your family and your property
- An electrical permit is required. Washington state electrical safety laws require a permit and inspection for ALL new and additional electrical work. An electrical permit and professional inspection assures that your electrical work meets current safety code.
- Do electrical work only if you are qualified. If you do not have a good understanding of electrical wiring and are not qualified, hire a licensed electrical contractor.
- If you do your own electrical work, you must buy the permit and call for an inspection.
- If you hire a licensed electrical contractor, your contractor must buy the permit and will get the inspection.
- Never overload outlets, extension cords or electrical circuits. If your circuit breaker trips, either it is overloaded or a circuit has malfunctioned and should be inspected by a qualified person.
- Keep your permit and inspection approval in a safe place for future reference. You may need it when trying to sell or refinance your home or to get insurance.
Remember: The surest way to safeguard your home is with an electrical permit and inspection. Lives depend on it!
Contact L&I for more information
Visit the Washington State Department of L&I website for more information.